Terms And Conditions
- First monthly billing will be pro-rated for current month and will include a setup fee.
- All accounts are paid by auto transaction, either by credit card or checking account. The amount is charged to your account on the 25 of each month paying for the service of the following month. We are also emailing a bill for your records.
- Accounts are considered past due if payment is not received by the 10th of the following month.
- Past due accounts are subject to a 1.5% monthly late fee ($3.00 minimum)
- Disconnection: If the account is over 30 days past due, it will be disconnected.
- Collection: An account over 45 days past due will be sent to our collection agency.
- Changes in Service: Any change in service can be done by email, fax, or over the telephone with Customer Service and usually takes one business day to complete. If you add new billable services to your account, you will also be charged a onetime setup fee (80% of the monthly charge for the added on service). Credits or additional charges are pro-rated from the date of change in service.
- Cancellation of Service: Any cancellation of service must be in writing and signed. Without written cancellation notice, service will still be billed and payable